About me – Will Barton (the Photographer)
I’ve been hooked on photography since around the age of 10. As with many kids, it was my Dad’s fault. I’d had one of those tiny cameras that took cassette film for ages but it was the ‘proper’ camera my Dad gave me for one birthday that had me hooked good and proper!
The photographers who are reading this are now all asking what that wonderful camera was…??? Yes, you might have guessed right, it was a Pentax, the Pentax KM to be precise and it was perfect! Still a cracking camera to this day, many photographers grew up learning their craft on its Sister model; the Pentax K1000.
Right, let’s not get too hung up on photography equipment or I’ll get accused of being a nerd.
“Hello, my name is Will Barton and I am addicted to cameras and lenses.”
There, I said it… Yes, that’s right I ‘was’ an equipment geek! But ‘was’ is the operative word, I’m slowly recovering from my addiction! There does come a time when you realise that everybody else is right, the camera does not take the picture. That much is down to you!
I’ve been through a number of phases with my photography, equipment addiction was one; travel photography was another love affair that I would so much like to rekindle.
I guess that is how things work, I love taking pictures of the things that are accessible for me. For a while, as I travelled around the world with work, travel photography was accessible. Now my passion is for UK landscape photography. Plus, having an opportunity to combine my love of the outdoors with this passion for photography, is a total joy.
London is the nearest location to my home with a wealth of photographic interest – there’s always something to photograph, even in the rain. I’ve also been slowly exploring the Norfolk Coast and Norfolk Broads, as well as Suffolk, particularly the areas around Southwold with its very photogenic pier and beach huts.

I’ve been making annual photographic trips up to the Lake District, often multiple times each year, for the last 3 or 4 years and I’m slowly making some headway on getting to know the place intimately enough to get good shots. I’d love to shoot more of Cornwall and Scotland but the distances are too great to make that a regular occurrence. The Peak District is next on my hit-list, it’s an area I know well from my childhood walking holidays.
I get the greatest enjoyment from working with the most challenging light. Dawn and dusk are for me the most fruitful times of the day. I’m fanatical about getting the image right in camera, that harks back to my film camera upbringing but it’s a useful trait to have when it comes to passing on some knowledge through leading photography workshops or tuition sessions.

My favourite photographic medium is the panoramic format. I love shooting ‘panos’ and I guess it’s my London Panoramic Images that I’ve had the most success commercially with so far. What’s that saying about being good at what you love the most? Well I hope that much is true for me…
Here’s wishing for changeable light…
I’ve been hooked on photography since around the age of 10. As with many kids, it was my Dad’s fault. I’d had one of those tiny cameras that took cassette film for ages but it was the ‘proper’ camera my Dad gave me for one birthday that had me hooked good and proper!
The photographers who are reading this are now all asking what that wonderful camera was…??? Yes, you might have guessed right, it was a Pentax, the Pentax KM to be precise and it was perfect! Still a cracking camera to this day, many photographers grew up learning their craft on its Sister model; the Pentax K1000.
Right, let’s not get too hung up on photography equipment or I’ll get accused of being a nerd.
“Hello, my name is Will Barton and I am addicted to cameras and lenses.”
There, I said it… Yes, that’s right I ‘was’ an equipment geek! But ‘was’ is the operative word, I’m slowly recovering from my addiction! There does come a time when you realise that everybody else is right, the camera does not take the picture. That much is down to you!
I’ve been through a number of phases with my photography, equipment addiction was one; travel photography was another love affair that I would so much like to rekindle.
I guess that is how things work, I love taking pictures of the things that are accessible for me. For a while, as I travelled around the world with work, travel photography was accessible. Now my passion is for UK landscape photography. Plus, having an opportunity to combine my love of the outdoors with this passion for photography, is a total joy.
London is the nearest location to my home with a wealth of photographic interest – there’s always something to photograph, even in the rain. I’ve also been slowly exploring the Norfolk Coast and Norfolk Broads, as well as Suffolk, particularly the areas around Southwold with its very photogenic pier and beach huts.

I’ve been making annual photographic trips up to the Lake District, often multiple times each year, for the last 3 or 4 years and I’m slowly making some headway on getting to know the place intimately enough to get good shots. I’d love to shoot more of Cornwall and Scotland but the distances are too great to make that a regular occurrence. The Peak District is next on my hit-list, it’s an area I know well from my childhood walking holidays.
I get the greatest enjoyment from working with the most challenging light. Dawn and dusk are for me the most fruitful times of the day. I’m fanatical about getting the image right in camera, that harks back to my film camera upbringing but it’s a useful trait to have when it comes to passing on some knowledge through leading photography workshops or tuition sessions.

My favourite photographic medium is the panoramic format. I love shooting ‘panos’ and I guess it’s my London Panoramic Images that I’ve had the most success commercially with so far. What’s that saying about being good at what you love the most? Well I hope that much is true for me…
Here’s wishing for changeable light…